GSL Season Two Code S   Semifinals Match 1   



Born July 11, 1992

From South Korea

We are testing including builds for popular VODs

Build Order for Game #3

[PvT] Voidray + Shield Batteries

Cheese Build
Send out the Probe that builds your [14] Pylon to build your proxies As your Stargate is finishing up, make sure to throw down Shield Batteries

[14] Pylon
[16] Gateway > Adept
[17] Assimilator
[18] Assimilator
[21] Cybernetics Core > Warpgate
[22] Pylon (Proxied)
[23] Stargate (Proxied)
[28] Pylon
[32] Shield Battery x2



Born September 18, 1994

From South Korea

Playing for Splyce

We are testing including builds for popular VODs

Build Order for Game #3

[TvX] Reaper FE (16 Gas)

Standard Build
You can either follow up with a Third Command Center for a stronger economy or an addition 2 Rax to merge up to 5 and play aggressive.

[14] Supply Depot
[16] Barracks > Reaper > Marine > Reactor
[16] Refinery
[20] Command Center
[21] Supply Depot
[22] Factory > Mines/Hellions > Techlab (Techlab is for Barracks)
[23] Refinery
[26] Starport > Medivac > Techlab > Reactor (Techlab is for Barracks)
[3:30] Supply Depot (Build accordingly form this point on)
[3:30] Command Center or Barracks x2